Manual Vs Electric Treadmill: What Is Better

Many of us lead quite busy lives, and there is not always time to sign up for the gym. Therefore, the opportunity to study at home is the dream of a large number of people, especially those who are busy with work.

And not everyone is suitable for the atmosphere of the gym, some prefer to work out in complete silence and comfort of their own home. Therefore, sports equipment for the home is a real godsend for them. We will describe manual vs electric treadmill.

A treadmill is the most common thing that is often used for training at home and probably the most effective of all available simulators for your corner.

The user-friendly design, ease of use, and effectiveness of training helps you allocate time to work out even with a busy schedule. It easily replaces running outdoors because you can train in all weather conditions.

But there are a great many types of treadmills on the market and it is quite difficult for an uninitiated person to distinguish them from each other and choose the one that best suits you in terms of features and price.

So, you decide to buy a treadmill, look at the available options in online stores, and find that there are manual and motorized treadmills. You are faced with the question: which one to choose?

Each of the options has its own pros and cons, and both types will be an incredibly useful acquisition to improve your health. And to help you decide, we have conducted a detailed analysis of each of the treadmills.

At the end of reading the article, you will be able to make a conclusion for yourself and make the right decision before purchasing.

What Is A Manual Treadmill

manual vs electric treadmill

This treadmill is called self-propelled because it is driven by a belt. When you train walking or running on this model of treadmill, while your legs are moving, the belt moves, which makes the machine work.

The belt has inertia that gives you resistance, which is important for training. But you will have to try very hard to maintain the speed you need. Because if you get slower, the belt doesn’t move fast either.

Advantages of A Manual Treadmill

what is a manual treadmill
  1. The cheapest version of a cardio machine

Since such treadmills do not have an engine, there are no complex mechanical components, the price tag on the market is not very high.

Manufacturers collect them as economically as possible, which means that buying such a track will not cost you much. If you have a limited budget, then you should take a closer look and price a manual treadmill.

  1. Does not need energy to work
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One of the most noticeable advantages of a manual treadmill is that you can place it anywhere in your home, as you do not have to depend on the availability of sockets in a particular room.

This simulator does not require electricity, just your own strength, which you apply during the session. Therefore, you can say goodbye to the interlacing of extension cords in your room or living room, you will not need them.

  1. A great option for those who like to walk

If you are walking, then a manual treadmill is perfect for you. Usually, the same pace is maintained when walking, so it is not necessary to maintain an accurate speed at all times. In addition, it perfectly withstands pedestrians and has a high resistance to wear at a low speed of training.

  1. Manual treadmills are small in size

These treadmills do not need to be collected, and often they are ready. You just need to get them out of the box. Since they do not have a bulky motor, treadmills are compact and can be placed even in a small apartment. At the same time, they are also very convenient to store.

Disadvantages of A Manual Treadmill

is a manual treadmill worth it
  1. Poor quality

Manual treadmills don’t last as long as motorized treadmills. All because they come to you without additional materials, such as an engine and a strong frame for durability, which add to the life of the treadmill due to the additional weight.

If you have already tried searching for treadmills on the Internet, you may have noticed that they are usually at the bottom of the site.

Also, in the production of manual treadmills, low-quality materials are usually used, and this also significantly affects their service life and the long-term stable operation of the treadmill.

  1. You have to maintain the speed with your own efforts

A manual treadmill only works effectively if you make an effort to maintain a stable speed during training. This feature can make it difficult for you to maintain the desired rhythm and requires you to constantly monitor your speed. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to relax, because this way you will slow down.

  1. Low number of features and lack of computer functions

Since manual treadmills do not require electricity to operate, they only perform basic functions that will help you train, but only with restrictions. Some treadmills have a display that runs on regular batteries and just shows you speed, time, and distance.

To get more functions and a normal display, you need electrical power. With a manual treadmill, it will be more difficult for you to keep track of your training progress and understand what you need to do to make your training more effective.

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What is a Motorised Treadmill?

is a manual treadmill worth it

Motorized treadmills are more practical, they keep up with the times, they are very popular on the market, but they also have a higher price. Usually people, despite the price, buy them.

These types of treadmills are equipped with a motor that can adjust the movement of the belt, adjusting the speed to suit you. If you have just decided to do fitness, experts recommend starting with a motorized track, as it is quite easy to use.

An important factor that you should consider when buying a treadmill is the power of its engine. If you have been practicing for a long time and want to run faster, then you will need a treadmill with a higher power.

Since you don’t need to adjust your speed with your own efforts, it will be easier for you to train, get your shape in order, and monitor your progress after each new workout.

A motorized treadmill will delight you with a huge number of available features, which can not boast of manual. You will be able to program it to the desired speed, calculate the time of your training, and adjust the slope directly during the training.

Advantages Of A Motorised Treadmill

what is a manual treadmill
  1. More comfortable for running

Because of the way the motorized treadmill is designed, it provides you with extra cushioning when running. Your joints won’t hurt so much after working out on it, unlike a manual treadmill. If you have problems with your legs, often sore knees or thighs, then you should choose a motorized treadmill.

  1. Ability to adjust your workouts

Most modern treadmills offer you a choice of a program that is already embedded in it, or you can adjust your own training program. You can change the running speed, the slope of the treadmill, and adjust the distance. This allows you to exercise at home in comfort and let the treadmill become your personal trainer.

  1. A wide range of available features

In addition to the functions mentioned above, depending on the model, the motorized treadmill may have additional functionality: speakers for listening to music, a fan, the ability to connect a phone or player via Bluetooth, measuring your heart rate, a TV screen, a holder for a smartphone and tablet, and many others.

All this can greatly facilitate your training, making it a cozy and desirable activity that you want to return to again and again.

  1. Allows you to keep a constant pace when running

You can run at your chosen pace and not think that it will go astray. Continuous running without putting extra effort gives you great motivation to conquer new goals that you set for yourself.

Disadvantages Of A Motorised Treadmill

manual vs electric treadmill
  1. Price

Motorized treadmills cost significantly more than manual treadmills due to the fact that they are equipped with an engine. The more powerful the engine is installed, the more expensive it is. Additional features also increase the price of this type of product.

  1. You will need electricity
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In order for a motorized treadmill to work, it needs electricity. This is not always a pleasant moment for your home.

Not all people have sockets located in convenient places, so you will have to use an extension cord if you want to place a treadmill in one place or another. The extension cable creates additional difficulties for moving around the living room.

  1. Size

Due to the fact that a motorized treadmill consists of several fairly heavy parts, its placement can become a problem due to the lack of space in the house.

In addition, these treadmills usually come to you in a huge box, which is sometimes difficult to bring in the room where you planned to put it. However, many models are equipped with rollers that allow you to comfortably move it to any place after assembly.

  1. Need more care

Since the treadmill contains an engine, it needs to be serviced regularly, and it requires careful maintenance so that it runs smoothly and lasts you longer.

Read here How much electricity does treadmill use?

Is A Manual Treadmill Worth It?

manual vs electric treadmill

So would a manual treadmill be worse than a motorized one? Of course not. But here’s the question: who should choose a manual version, and who should choose a more modern one. Both types of the treadmill will help strengthen your cardiovascular system and develop your leg and body muscles.

But all people are arranged differently, which is why it is impossible to say which of the treadmills will be better. If you look at all of the above, we can conclude that manual treadmills are ideal for pedestrians and for those who need to undergo rehabilitation after severe injuries.

When it comes to the question of price, manual treadmills are an excellent budget option, which really has a limited number of functions and a simple and cheap design.

If you are looking for a serious workout, then the motorized treadmill is perfect for you. But your wallet will be significantly emptied after you buy it. But the goal justifies the money spent in this case.

Manual vs electric treadmill: what is better? It all depends on what goals you set for yourself. Both options have the right to life, you just need to choose a treadmill, according to your wishes.


Author of article
Steven Hopkins
Welcome to my website, or even a blog. For the past 15 years, I have regularly visited the gym, spending at least 2 hours a day there. I love protein shakes, quality athletic shoes, and I know a lot about exercise equipment. This is my hobby. Every day I run kilometers on the treadmill, do dozens of push-UPS, and hundreds of pull-UPS on the uneven bars. Sport is my life...  
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