Best Folding Elliptical: Ultimate Guide

Good cardio training at home is not always possible if you just go and buy the first simulator you see. Sometimes you need to carefully approach the choice. Here is the ultimate guide of the best folding elliptical.

Folding Elliptical

It is important to consider some restrictions. For example, often the most popular restriction is the lack of free space. This does not depend on whether you live in a small private house or apartment, putting a large ellipse in the middle of the room may be impossible for a variety of reasons.

Although the market has a large number of convenient ellipticals, sometimes they are large enough or too small.

This is where you can use the folding elliptical niche. These machines offer you a full set of features when used, but can fold up to half the size. In this article, we will introduce you to the best line of folding ellipticals, as well as tell you what factors should be taken into account when buying them.

Best Folding Elliptical

1. Horizon Fitness Evolve 3

Pros: Cons:

👍The design is compact and easy to fold with the help of hydraulics

👍Good step length 20”

👍A great option for your workouts

👍 Convenient console with built-in speakers


👎There is no tilt function

👎The machine is quite expensive


Some space saver elliptical are more compact, but this one is one of the smallest ellipticals among them. At the same time, manufacturers do not save on the quality of the product. It is equipped with a compact front-wheel-drive body, which is why this model is famous for the best step length, which is as much as 20 inches.

This is combined with an 18-pound flywheel, which gives you a smooth and calm ride, and a special hydraulic system will help you fold the simulator comfortably after using it.

Despite the absence of the tilt function, you can choose up to twenty resistance levels, and the program includes 32 types of training that make your classes more diverse. Other features include a streamlined console with a 5.5-inch screen, built-in speakers, and ViaFit connectivity.

2. NordicTrack SpaceSaver SE7i

1.Folding Elliptical 2
Pros: Cons:

  👍Stable design that runs smoothly

    👍Various tilt and drag options
    👍Despite the average price, you can expect a good step length
    👍Many additional features


  👎There are annoying problems with running IFit



NordicTrack is a well-known company in the home fitness market. This brand confirms its popularity by the fact that they know how to properly produce solid elliptical trainers. This fairly reasonable offer at an average price is suitable for you to work out at home, and then assemble the simulator after the end of the training.

You have at your disposal a huge number of features that will provide you with a low-impact workout that is convenient for your needs. The step length is quite good and is 18 inches, there is an automatic tilt, 22 resistance levels, and a lot of pre-designed programs for your training.

Additional features also did not fail. The screen may be small, but it is quite acceptable, and even pleases with the backlight. There is a cooling fan and a special shelf for the tablet.

3. ProForm SMART Strider 895 CSE

2. Elliptical

  👍Easy to fold and move

    👍The movements are smooth
    👍Lots of additional features for a comfortable workout
    👍Step length 18 inches


 👎IFit can be unpleasant to use

👎There are small problems with quality control




First of all, this simulator is not cheap. It is located on the chart of the best ellipticals worth about 2000 dollars. Despite this, this price is worth it, because it offers a fairly sporty quality.

It has a strong steel frame, which is created by a patented technology. It provides real smooth movement on such a compact simulator. This elliptical space saver does not take up much space on the floor, and is suitable for rooms with low ceilings.

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The problem is that the center console is a bit primitive for such a cool design. But don’t write it off: the simulator includes 20 resistance levels, seven training programs, and two convenient displays for the accuracy of your training.

4. Sunny Health & Fitness SF-E902

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Pros: Cons:

  👍The price is quite affordable for the average buyer

    👍Very compact folding
    👍Surprisingly good step length
    👍Works smoothly and without annoying noise


👎There is no resistance, which is not very suitable for a good workout

👎Basic LCD screen


Despite its simple design, its use is very convenient. Of course, there is no resistance, and this will appeal to not everyone, but a good step length, nice footpads, and strong construction inspire respect and allow you to train as you want.

This elliptical space saver is quite simple in terms of additional features: there is an adjustable abdominal pillow to support you during training, and a simple monitor provides you with a standard set of information during training.

5. Gazelle Freestyle

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Pros: Cons:

  👍 Easy to fold, yet strong steel frame

    👍Allows you to train a range of muscles
    👍No noise when driving
    👍Comes complete with additional services, including disks for training


  👎Lack of resistance that not everyone will like

👎Small and simple display


Most likely you have heard about the famous American coach Tony little, which means you know about his elliptical freestyle. If you are not afraid of the lack of resistance, then this simulator will provide you with a variety of training options and it is easy to fold.

Since this model is very common, don’t expect much from it in terms of additional features. Apart from a relatively small display, it has nothing to offer you. The only advantages: this is a set of DVDs and a bottle of water.

The simulator itself is equipped with a modern system of separate suspension with a smooth step and smooth acceleration. You can adjust your body position so that you can train different muscle groups, so your training will become more diverse. In general, this is an inexpensive but pleasant option to buy.

Shopping for a Folding Elliptical

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Owners of large and profitable gyms, buying exercise equipment, do not choose folding models. Even if the room is quite small, you can still safely place a full-size exercise machine there.

For people with limited space, it will be very expensive to install such a simulator, both in terms of money and available space. Therefore, you need to do everything possible and choose something from what is provided by folding simulators.

You can purchase the best space saver elliptical to fit easily in any corner of your apartment, or a folding one that easily folds up to half its size. If you chose the latter option, our article will help you choose. Next, we will look at what nuances you should consider when choosing the right model.


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As you probably already realized, the purpose of a folding simulator is not to try to make it small, but to make it convenient for you to store it. It is usually very easy to fold it, for example, a light frame can simply be folded, as is often done on all models available to the buyer.

On large simulators, the rear part of the structure can be folded to reduce the area of its location on the floor.

With such large simulators, you first need to figure out all the placement options. Many users of simulators are very limited in space.

Some, on the contrary, calculate the space by the size of the simulator, and when it is delivered to them, they find that it does not correspond to the size that they seem to have taken into account.

The point is that if the model is expanded, it will take up a little more space. Therefore, always accurately measure the room where you are going to put the simulator.

Stability is another factor you should consider. A folding simulator always seems less stable than its stationary version. But with a thorough inspection of your sports equipment, you will easily understand that your fears are groundless and this is solid equipment that will be stable.

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If you prefer well-known and proven brands, it is not difficult to find a stable folding simulator. It is quite stable and will serve you for a long time under any load.

Stride Length of Space Saver Elliptical Machines

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Customers often ask – what is the step length in the description of any simulator? This is the distance between the toe of the front pedal and the heel of the rear pedal when they are at the maximum distance from each other. It’s quite simple.

This is not the most important part at first glance, but it is very important to buy a simulator for you. If the length is too short, you will not be able to practice effectively because of the wrong step. If this indicator is too long, you can overdo your training or get seriously injured.

There are no written rules, but researchers on this issue have concluded that a step length of 18 to 20 inches is appropriate for most adults. If you are six feet or more, the 20-to 22-inch range will suit you, so you will work out more comfortably – although such fold up elliptical is quite expensive. For low people, a short step length is suitable.

Fortunately, most of the foldaway elliptical we described in this article offer you the appropriate step length. Some models don’t mention the step length in advance in their ads, but you can read user reviews to find out about this indicator.

Resistance Of Space Saving Elliptical

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If step length is an indicator of comfortable training, then resistance is an indicator of adjusting the intensity of training. This is why we recommend that you look for simulators with good resistance options. Some of the folding simulators that we’ve told you about above offer the same decent resistance levels as their older cousins.

It will be within 25 levels, which you can select using the digital panel on the center console. This flexibility will allow you to choose the resistance that is more suitable for your training, according to your current mood and your goals.

For example, if you choose level six, you can simply run easily, and at higher levels, you will have a real marathon. The cheaper the elliptical foldable, the fewer options for setting up resistance. You may even encounter such outdated mechanics as turning the hand dial.

You may have noticed that some of the simulators described above do not have any resistance settings at all. They are often poorly perceived in the world of fitness classes, because they do not allow you to train muscle groups correctly, unlike their counterparts with resistance.

Running or walking with no resistance may seem like enough work, but here you are more likely to use the available inertia than your own efforts. This means that you are not properly training your heart and are not doing a normal job.

Such fold away elliptical can certainly help you effectively conduct training if you know when you are making an effort, and when the simulator itself. This is all solved by trial and error, but when studying the model without resistance, people really achieve good results, so you can do it.

Incline Of Folding Elliptical Machine

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To add intensity to your workout, you can use not only resistance but also the tilt function. By increasing the gradient, taking a smaller step, and changing the way you train to work different muscles, this is how the slope works. Adding a tilt is a good way to refresh your activities, improve your heart function, and burn even more calories.

Many trainers offer you different options for tilting, although these are most often found in the middle segment of the market or at the top. But if you are looking for a folding version of the simulator, it will be very difficult to find a car with a tilt. If the slope plays a key role for you, then you should think about other categories of simulators.

Control Module Of Fold Up Ellipticals

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What features and controls will be available in your simulator will largely depend on how much money you spend on it. It is quite logical that a high-end model will offer you a wide variety of features, as opposed to a lower-ranked model.

Control is also necessary in cases where there is something to control. If your simulator is based on a basic frame without resistance, then you don’t need a lot of attention to control such a simulator.

However, if your model has a decent number of resistance levels, is equipped with a tilt, it has training programs and a built-in fan that gives a pleasant coolness, then you need more opportunities to manage all these components.

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They can look like controls that allow you to unobtrusively increase functions such as tilt or drag, or quick controls that will immediately allow you to set the desired level.

Regardless of the cost of the simulator model, the control module often has a built-in display screen. Here, the options can be completely different: a standard LCD display that shows the main points, such as time, speed, and distance, or a fancy touch-screen display that gives detailed statistics of each of your training sessions and helps you get used to the programs that are embedded in the simulator.

Secondary Features Of Collapsible Elliptical

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As we have already mentioned, you should start learning the material from the basics. This means that you need a model with a convenient folding frame, suitable dimensions for your room, a convenient step length for you, and good resistance options for a productive workout.

After you have taken all these points into account when purchasing, you can switch to additional features. We believe that all these features do not have a strong impact on your workouts, but can make them desirable and comfortable.

Let’s take a cooling fan as an example. This is a compact device that is usually built into the center panel. It blows out air at various adjustable speeds, allowing you to not get too tired and stay fresh while you train. You can also choose a model with built-in speakers.

Many people in this regard, as with outdoor classes, prefer to choose headphones, but the speakers can significantly improve your training, you can watch your favorite movie or TV series during the class, listen to loud music or just turn on videos with recordings of training.

You can also use a tablet shelf or USB ports to charge your favorite gadget during your workout. These features perfectly complement the model, even if they cost extra money.

Do Ellipticals Fold?

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Before you buy a folding simulator, you should weigh all the pros and cons: do you need it? The manufacturer, creating a folding mechanism, thoroughly spent, respectively, the price of such simulators is much higher. Therefore, you are unlikely to find a good folding simulator cheaper than usual.

So you must first weigh all the factors. Do you live in a small apartment? Maybe a small non-folding simulator will be more convenient to put there than to buy a folding one? Maybe you can rearrange the furniture so that the usual simulator can fit comfortably into the interior of the room? Or will folding still be your only option?

Remember that even if the simulators are folded into a smaller size, it does not mean that they completely disappear. The bottom just changes shape, and they still need a place.

Even if you free up some space on the floor by folding the simulator, you will still have a large thing in the house that takes up space there. Even if it is a little, but this factor should not be denied.

We do not dispute that some models are so small when folded that they can easily be stored in a closet or behind a sofa, but such devices are usually much weaker than those that are larger. Plus, they have limited functionality, which can significantly weaken your desire to train over time.

Does the Fold Up Elliptical Burn Stomach Fat?

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The answer to this question is yes rather than no. Using such a simulator is a great option for burning extra calories. We remind you that people are arranged differently and the following example cannot be a panacea.

We will take as a basis a person who weighs about 180 pounds. For an hour on this simulator, this person will get rid of 850 calories. Add to this the presence of a healthy diet in your training program, and you can see that this is a great way for those who have decided to get rid of extra calories.

If you train hard for a few weeks, you will notice improvements. The main thing in this case: do not miss training and firmly stick to your schedule.

You can also read How long on elliptical to see results here

What Muscles Does an Elliptical Target?

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Foldable elliptical, unlike their other counterparts, can help improve your entire body. The main thing is to use the opportunities available to you wisely. First of all, you pump your legs well. The glutes, hamstrings, and lower leg and near-Shin muscles are all working hard and pumping.


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We hope that regardless of whether you are set up to buy a folding simulator or are just trying to select options and accidentally stumbled upon this article, our guide to folding simulators has only benefited you.

It is important not to make a fatal mistake and decide that folding fitness equipment has fewer advantages than conventional ones. We have shown you with vivid examples that this is not the case, and even compact folding models are almost as good as their older brothers in functionality and efficiency.

There are many options that you can choose for yourself, carefully study all available models for purchase, explore all possible options – perhaps you will choose a better model than the ones we have given as examples in this article.


Author of article
Steven Hopkins
Welcome to my website, or even a blog. For the past 15 years, I have regularly visited the gym, spending at least 2 hours a day there. I love protein shakes, quality athletic shoes, and I know a lot about exercise equipment. This is my hobby. Every day I run kilometers on the treadmill, do dozens of push-UPS, and hundreds of pull-UPS on the uneven bars. Sport is my life...  
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